【World news 2018年5月25日施行 難しいGDPRを理解するための9つのクイズ:解答編!】

お待たせしました!前回記事のGDPRクイズの解答編です! Tak石河
GDPRクイズ 解答編
Q1. GDPRで記載されている『個人情報』の含む範囲とは?
GDPR is designed to help people protect and control use of their “personal data” But what does that cover?
(1) Your name, email address, date of birth and passport number-but nothing else
(2) All the above plus your bank details, social network posts, medical information and computer IP address-but nothing else
(3) All of the above and, under some circumstances, images of your face and information about your relatives among other data
(4) Anything and everything you might want to define as being personal to you
(3) All of the above and, under some circumstances, images of your face and information about your relatives among other data(上記(1)、(2)に加えて、ある状況下においては、顔写真や親戚・親族に関する情報)The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office defines personal data as: “Information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier.”
It says this includes “name, identification number, location data or online identifier”.
Under some circumstances, this can extend to images, and details about your family.
However, unconnected facts – such as the distance from the Earth to the Moon – would not become personal data just on your say-so.
The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Officeは、個人情報を「個人を直接的または間接的に特定し得る情報」と定義しています。それには、「氏名、IDナンバー、住所、オンライン上で個人を特定できるもの」を含みます。状況によっては、それは写真や、家族の情報を含みます。
「歌舞伎町 ボッタクリ アホ 犠牲者」って検索したら俺のプロフィールが出てきたぜ!これはGDPR違反だな!「歌舞伎町 ボッタクリ アホ 犠牲者」検索1位の浅田さん
それは、「歌舞伎町でボッタクリに遭うアホな犠牲者」に、浅田さんがならなければいいだけの話ではないでしょうか…。 Tak石河
Q2. アプリが収集している個人情報をどうやったら使わせないようにできる?
A free app that relies on adverts to make money has gathered information about you. Under what circumstances can you forbid it to use the data?
(1) Only if it is attempting to target you with age-restricted products. such as alcohol and pornography
(2) Only if it is attempting to sell you products that are age-restricted and/or health-themed
(3) If your personal data is being processed for direct marketing-ie a business promoting its wares directly to you and other members of the public-you will be able to prohibit this issue
(4) It is no longer legal for apps to use personal data gathered before GDPR came into effect
(3) If your personal data is being processed for direct marketing-ie a business promoting its wares directly to you and other members of the public-you will be able to prohibit this issue(貴方の個人情報が、ダイレクトマーケティング―例えば、商品を直接、貴方や一般大衆に販売すること―に使用される場合に、個人情報の使用を禁止することができる)Organisations have six lawful bases for processing personal data: Consent, contract, legal obligation, vital interests, public task or legitimate interest – definitions of which are available on the ICO’s website.
But whatever the legal basis, you always have the right to object to the continued processing of your personal data if it’s for the purposes of direct marketing.
If you willingly and explicitly consented to your personal data being used for ads in the past, then apps and others can continue to do so.
そういうのも該当するよ!アメリカ人同僚 盟友Liam
Q3. オンラインのチャットサービスが、利用者の個人情報を求める時は…
An online chat service wants access to your location and email contacts and is relying on user consent as the legal basis for this. Can it:
(1) Do this automatically the first time you open it, so long as it allows you to delete the data afterwards
(2) Show you a pre-ticked box saying you agree to its terms, and then access the data if you don’t deselect it before moving on
(3) Explain how the data will be used, ask you to tick a box to give your consent, and then access the information if you do so
(4) Access the location data with your explicit consent, but not your email contacts as they are other people’s personal data
(3) Explain how the data will be used, ask you to tick a box to give your consent, and then access the information if you do so(データの使用用途を説明し、ユーザーの同意を仰ぐチェックボックスを提示し、それにユーザーがチェックした場合に、(住所とメールアドレスに)アクセスすることができる)GDPR says consent means individuals must have real choice and control.
So, they need to have a “clear and concise” explanation as to what they are agreeing to, and pre-ticked boxes and other forms of default consent no longer apply.
Q4. SNSを退会しようとした時に、個人情報を消したいのですが…
Over time you have grown to dislike being part of a social network and decide to quit. Is the app:
(1) Required to tell you how you can order it to delete personal information held about you
(2) Required to have an opinion within its settings to hide all past posts, but can privately hold on to records of your activity up to two years
(3) Compelled to provide a postal address where you can write to inform it of your wish to delete your data, and can charge you up to 100 euros to comply
(4) In most cases, under no obligation to let you close your account or delete any data
(1) Required to tell you how you can order it to delete personal information held about you(貴方に、個人情報の消去の方法を伝えるよう、要求される)GDPR introduces a right for individuals to demand their personal data be erased under some circumstances.
These include situations when its use has been based on their consent.
Organisations must respond within a month of receiving the request and should comply without charging a fee unless the request is deemed “manifestly unfounded or excessive”
忘れるの早っ!!!Sales Manager浅田さん
Q5. 緊急手術が必要です!その時個人情報は…!?
You are unconscious after a car crash and require a surgery. Your GP can:
(1) Only share details about your medical history if you have explicitly given them advance permission
(2) Only share details if your next of kin or some other person you earlier gave authority to agrees
(3) Disclosure any details about your medical history they believe is necessary to save your life
(4) Share nothing beyond what you have already put in the public domain
(3) Disclosure any details about your medical history they believe is necessary to save your life(救命に必要と医師が判断した場合、病歴に関する如何なる情報をも開示できる)One basis for processing and sharing an individual’s personal data is that it is necessary to protect their vital interests, which includes saving their life.
So, sharing data with a hospital’s A&E department for an emergency would count, but consent might be needed if it were instead for a pre-planned procedure.
あ、Liamならちょっと膝をすりむいて、さっき治療も終わって回復したから大丈夫だよ Tak石河
Q6. 動画ストリーミングサービスに個人情報の問い合わせが何回も…その時サービス提供元は?
A video streaming service emailed you all the personal data it held about you last week, as requested, but you decide to ask again. Can it:
(1) Refuse to respond the information
(2) Provide the data, but this time charge a fee based on its administrative costs
(3) Share the data, but take up to six months to do so rather than respond within the normal one-month limit
(4) Send the information, but say this is the last time it will comply
(2) Provide the data, but this time charge a fee based on its administrative costs(データを提供するが、今回は管理費に基づき、費用を請求することができる)GDPR gives individuals a right to access the personal data held on them under some circumstances.
Organisations are encouraged to make this possible via the internet, and are supposed to respond within a month.
However, if a user subsequently asks to be sent further copies of their data after the original demand is dealt with, then the service involved can charge a “reasonable fee” based on its administrative costs.
想像ですが、「個人情報を勝手にリクエストしまくるウイルス」みたいなものが登場したら本当に怖いですね Tak石河
Q7. 重要な情報の入った財布を無くしてしまいました!
You lose your wallet. Inside is a scrap of paper on which you had written down your work login and current password. Your IT department confirms that an unidentified party entered your account, giving them access to a file containing the names and addresses of 12 police informants involved in a project you are working on. Is it the case that:
(1) If you changed your login details within an hour of discovering this, you don’t need to do anything else
(2) If you tell your employer, who emails each of the informants that week to let them know of the mistake, the matter can rest
(3) In addition to alerting informants, your employer must notify the local data protection regulator within a fortnight
(4) In addition to alerting the informants, the local data protection regulator must be notified within three days even if that’s too soon to provide all the information they will require
(4) In addition to alerting the informants, the local data protection regulator must be notified within three days even if that’s too soon to provide all the information they will require (情報提供者に連絡することに加え、72時間以内に、その地域の情報保護の担当者に、過失を通知しなければならない―例え、要求される全情報の通知には猶予が無かったとしても―。)GDPR introduces a duty to report certain types of data breaches within 72 hours of them being detected, even if all the details are not yet known.
If individuals are also put at significant risk, they must also be informed.
Failure to comply can entail a fine of up to 20m euros (£17.5m; $23.6m) or 4% of the organisation’s annual global turnover – whichever is greater. But the penalty for delayed reporting alone tops out at 10m euros or 2% of global turnover.
くっ、やっと「がっぽりウハウハ君」の顧客情報悪用流出報告書ができたぜ!Sales Manager浅田さん
浅田サン、残念でしタ。データ流出事故発生から72時間1秒が経過し、72時間以内のルールを守れなかったノデ、世界年間売上高の2%又は、1千万ユーロの高い方を上限とする制裁金が課されますので夜露四苦( `・∀・´)ノヨロシク!!Manager Ben
これ、例えば金曜夜にデータ流出が判明したら、土日は休日返上で調査して報告しないと、とんでもない制裁金が待っていますね(※実際、EU圏内に顧客のある企業は、戦々恐々としています!) Tak石河
Q8. 飲食店の仕事の応募をAIに落とされました
Your application to work at a restaurant is turned down, and you are told it was rejected by the firm’s artificial intelligence system. What are your options?
(1) You can force the decision to be reconsidered even if you earlier gave consent to the use of an automated system
(2) You can ask for details of the logic involved in the decision and ask a human to reconsider your application
(3) You can demand information about the background and qualifications of the person/people chosen over you
(4) You have the right to inspect the code used to vet applications
(2) You can ask for details of the logic involved in the decision and ask a human to reconsider your application(その決断に至った理論的な詳細説明を求め、AIではなく人間に、貴方の応募を考え直すよう伝えることができる)GDPR gives an individual the right to challenge decisions made solely on the automated analysis of their personal data if they did not consent to it in advance.
Those affected can ask for access to the details on which the decision was based.
They also have the right to have a human double-check that a mistake was not made.
チキショウ‼何で俺のjob applicationがAIで勝手に落とされるのか理由を教えてくれよ!Sales Manager浅田さん
貴方の異常な性癖が、ジェネラル・マネージャーの職責には不適格とAIによって判断されましタ。弊社の担当者(人間)2名のダブルチェックによれば、貴殿はこの一ヶ月、A○AZONで「ぼくの×休み シリーズ」という非常に問題のある商品を数回にわたって購入したことが明らかになっていまス。GDPRに基づき淡々と傷をえぐるBen
わかった、わかったからもうやめてくれーーー!!!Sales Manager浅田さん
「ぼくの×休み シリーズ」って何?Diana
某私立女子高で流通した問題作(以下自主規制) Tak石河
Q9. 退会したジムの個人情報を、新しいジムへと引き継ぎたいのですが…
You decide to quit membership of a gym chain to join a rival. Must the original gym:
(1) If you request it, give you an electronic copy of any personal data you shared with it in a form that can be entered into the new gym’s system
(2) If requested, give you any data it holds on you, but in a proprietary file format that can only be used its own systems in case you rejoin later
(3) Delete any data it holds on you but is under no obligation to give you a copy
(4) Provide a single printed copy of the processed personal data it held on you within 28 days of receiving a request but no more
(1) If you request it, give you an electronic copy of any personal data you shared with it in a form that can be entered into the new gym’s system(貴方の要求に応じて、新しジムの入会に必要な様式で、赤なる個人情報の電子媒体でのコピーを提供しなければならない)GDPR includes the right to obtain and reuse personal date from one service to another.
As such the data must be provided in a commonly used and machine-readable format.
個人的には、これは便利だとは思うんですが、本当にジム間でやりとりされる個人情報が、ちゃんと守られるのか?という危惧がありますね。 Tak石河
そのためのGDPRなんじゃないかな?アメリカ人同僚 盟友Liam